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Dana Hall 

In The News 

Here you can find articles, publications, and interviews featuring Dana Hall. 

Climate Change 

O.C. Play Festival to feature seven shorts about climate change The Annual OC International Play Festival
“These seven plays demonstrate how connected climate change and environmental problems are to larger social and political issues,” producer Paige Dillon said. “It’s exciting to entertain and inform an audience about issues that affect our lives daily.”  Out of 200 hundred submissions seven plays were selected including, Hall's play (Un) Drinkable, Audience Choice award winner with the Playground Chicago.

Feature Article 

Out of The Pandemic, A New Theatre Company Joins the Rogue Theatre Festival By Roger Gonzalez
Quote from article.
“There is something very vulnerable about the camera being in your space, it’s intimate and raw and there is no hiding from the lens. Some say virtual acting feels lonely and it is true it is a different way to connect, but it can capture the beauty of the human condition just the same- haven’t we all learned to step out of our technological comfort-zones a little these days anyway?" - Dana Hall 

Feature Article

Productions at This Year’s WTFringe Festival Continue to Push Audiences beyond the Borders of Mainstream Theater- By Indy Week (Byron Woods)

"Hall and Morgan leaven pointed cultural criticism with humor in a script whose occasional didacticism doesn’t compromise its warm heart."

Five productions—three already scheduled for the festival’s last weekend and two top candidates for the juried Best of Fringe showcase on Sunday, July 25—stretch audiences from earnest considerations of racial schisms to caustic social satire, and from innovative genre fusions of music and dance to an immersive and truly sublime virtual reality theater experience.

Click the article link to find out more about NO JUSTICE! 


Production Interview 

Interview with playwright/director Dana Hall 
By Jemma Kepner

Quote from article.
My co-writer Kenisha Morgan and I were compelled to write No Justice to increase the dialogue regarding history race relations in Chicago and other major cities. We took a collection of narratives and created this show to elevate the voices of those that would go unheard otherwise. A colleague shared with me the application for WTF and thought No Justice would be a good fit–we are so humbled that WTF thought so too!  - Dana Hall 

"No Justice" was the AUDIENCE CHOICE for OUTSTANDING VIRTUAL/TECHNICAL DESIGN and was featured in the Best of Fringe Celebration July 2021! 

Advocacy Interview

Going Beyond Words  An interview with Leslie Lindsay 
DANA HALL, “apraxia MOM,” author, & THERAPIST talks about her children’s book, BEYOND WORDS, how it was inspired by a tearful trip to the playground, plus mindfulness, modifications, patience, and person-first language. 

Seven things you need to know about Apraxia
by Dana Hall
Published by FemaleFirst 


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Podcast: On Apraxia

Not being able to speak is not the same as having nothing to say. Join guest Dana Hall as she discusses the need for greater inclusivity, acceptance, and awareness of Apraxia. 
Podcast: Language During Mealtime 


Podcast: TMP Talks Virtual Theatre

Episode 6 of Online Theatre Collaborative with Dana Hall and Pamela Morgan of This Moment Productions. Listen to all they've been doing, what they've learned, and what they have in store.
Podcast: Theatre Collaborative Project


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No Justice: Featured at Powerstories VOW Festival

On October 6-17, 2021, Powerstories Theatre, in collaboration with Thrü-Line, A Theatrical Production Company, are proud to do their part to help women crash through the glass ceiling and support women's voices with The Voices of Women, a theatre festival showcasing diverse stories written entirely by women playwrights.

Broadway World Interview


With over 400 submissions from around the world, this year's Hear Me Out New American Monologue Competition's founder Roland Tec has announced this year's 13 finalists. The finalist will have their monologues presented live at the Labor Day Festival on Sunday, September 6, at 1 PM.
This year's festival judges include celebrated writers Gretchen CryerGary GarrisonChristine Toy JohnsonCraig LucasAustin Pendleton, and Charlayne Woodard. Each of the finalists were given the prompt "Borders" for their submission. Each entry is evaluated for its Character Development, Ear for Authentic Speech, Camouflage of Exposition, Thrilling Story, Dramatic Structure, and Clever Use of Festival Theme. This year's competition will feature two competitive divisions: Short Form Monologues (under 650 words) and Longer Form Monologues (word count between 750-1850).
Dana Hall will perform her monologue Sound Mind. Sam is dying of cancer and recording a portion of their last will and testament via video recording. Sam has fought bravely with the help of their partner, and they have come to terms with the fact the ‘fight’ is over. 

Featured In: 
Broadway World 


Making Art That Makes A Difference


Illinois Playwright Wins MCC’s 10-Minute Play Contest PRESS RELEASE 


The inaugural 10-Minute Play contest, organized by Muskegon Community College’s Sigma Kappa Delta (SKD) English Honor Society chapter, culminated on March 26 in Overbrook Theater, where the audience members chose their favorite from a live reading of all six finalists. 


Nearly 80 patrons filled the theater and voted “Sidewalk Psychic” by Illinois-based Dana Hall as the winner. In all, 30 entries were submitted by playwrights living in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. SKD narrowed the field to 10 semifinalists and the MCC Theater Department faculty trimmed the number to six finalists. 


A playwright, actor, and mental health therapist, Hall enjoys writing pieces with a blend of heart and humor. She dedicates her work to her children who keep her grounded, thankful, and hopeful for a brighter future. 


Recently, she took home a Best of Fringe Award at the Women’s Theatre Festival in North Carolina for her examination of social disparities with the play, “No Justice.” Her self-performed monologue, “Sound Mind,” was the 2021 Hear Me Out Monologue Competition Finalist Winner in New York. She won the 2022 Femuscript Monologue in Florida performing her original piece “Snowglobe.” Her Halloween-themed comedy, “Don’t Lose Your Head,” was published with HEUER 2022.  New York Journal recognized her as one of 50 under 50 most influential creators during the pandemic in 2022.  


The 10-Minute Play Contest submissions were comedic or dramatic plays, with two to four characters, that fit this year’s theme of “Brains and Beauty.”  


“Sigma Kappa Delta and the MCC Theater Department thank all playwrights who shared their works with us, as well as all the actors who read, the SKD members who helped out, and the community members who attended,” said English Instructor Sean Colcleasure. “Without you, this night could not have happened. We cannot wait to do this again next year.” 


Dana Hall’s “Head Over Heels” was also among the finalists in the 10-Minute Play Competition, as was “Avavah” which she co-wrote with by David Lipschutz, a Chicago-based artist and company member of Hell in a Handbag Productions. 


The other three finalists were “A Pigment of the Imagination” by Hannah Ricke of Wisconsin, a full-time paper collage artist and writer who still considers herself new to playwriting; “Ask the Witch” by Deborah Ann Percy and Arnie Johnson, who live in Kalamazoo and South Haven, MI, and whose individually and collaboratively written plays have won over 300 productions and readings on stage, screen, and radio, as well as numerous awards and publications across the country and internationally; and “Tidepool” by Alice Zhou of Wisconsin. 

Dana Hall featured on Are Your Parents Proud Of You Podcast! 

Matthew talks with playwright and children's book author Dana Hall. The two discuss the importance of lesser known stories, inspirations, and her children. Check her out on Spotify LISTEN NOW

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Ahavah goes to NJ read more here!

Hits The Stage In Michigan Festival


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